It was here that the name West Wind was adopted. During the same year, Mrs. Reynolds left and Miss Roshan Curmally joined. She taught twenty children ranging in age from 2 to 6 years and was helped out by the duty mother for the day. Miss Curmally was the Principal from 1971 until 2011. She was a part of the school faculty and was the Principal Emeritus of the school until April 2020. Mrs. Khushie Curmally has taken over as the Principal of the school from 2011.
Due to the sale of Petit Hall, West Wind shifted to Walkeshwar in 1968 and then to Oomer park at Breach Candy in 1989. The school continued to function at Oomer park until August 2008 and is since located at Gamdevi. It is here that West Wind has come into its own with the premises befitting the reputation of the school. It was then decided to rename the school as West Wind School. In the decades following the drafting of the schools constitution in 1952, West Wind has maintained its unique standards in education largely through the dedicated efforts and enthusiasm of the faculty.
The school�s curriculum continues to not only encompass formal academic training but a wide variety of activities such as Hindi, music, exercise, art and craft, yoga and P.T. |